Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Caiden's Arrival

For all of you who don't know and/or haven't heard, I met a guy out here. His name is Mike (Pictures are in the Photobucket link), and he's 27 yrs. old. He works for the US Air Force and is a Chief's Staff Sergeant. Other duties include being the Unit Deployment Manager (he decides when people get deployed) and also is a financial advisor. (Yep...he's a smart one! :-) ) Not only that, but he helped me and my mom out while she was here helping me move in. She met him, and they got along great :-)

His son, Caiden, arrives tomorrow from Canada, where his ex, Miranda, lives. Caiden turns two on Thursday! Mike hasn't dated anyone since his divorce, so this is new for all of us! I do however, get to meet Caiden on Sunday and am very excited!

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